Heshan Wanigasooriya
Senior Developer
Heshan is passionate about the Web and is highly proficient as a developer and a writer. His strengths and dexterity allow him to develop applications that are user-friendly and highly secure. Heshan initially started working as a contributor to Drupal by providing enhancements through modules and theme developments.
With over four years of experience in the field, Heshan has handled numerous Drupal development projects. He worked as a developer/consultant on several projects involving in Web development, testing, and documentation. Heshan has contributed Video, VideoJS and number of other modules to the Drupal community.
- Proficient in LAMP stack, Drupal, jQuery and many more technologies.
- Has been building Drupal sites since 2007.
- Lots of expertise in custom Drupal module development
- Experience with Pressflow / Varnish caching as well as Memcache and APC.
- Grounded in software development life cycle, development and documentation.
- Author and leading contributor to the Drupal Media developments.