
My website: www.soulharp.com was an unusual website to design as it is both a personal website and a business website. I wanted to develop a web site that had an appropriate professional appearance while at the same time, a site that reflects my artistic and creative personality. Consequently, when my mother and I researched web designers, we looked for one who could deliver the image desired, while interacting with me in a manner consistent with my personality. This was not an easy task. Most were either all image or all personality. We found North Studio and they have exceeded our expectations. The website they designed conveys the image I desired, better than I imagined it would. The ebb and flow of the design process has been even more rewarding. northStudio.com welcomed my input, while keeping their expertise in play. They have been extremely patient with me, not only with requests for alterations, but in terms of making themselves available to teach me about the process we are partnering in. They are extremely reliable and work in a timely manner. They are true professionals who can cater to any individual. I think that is a rare quality in the world of web design. The compliments on my website have been pouring in and I am already noticing that my site appears as one of the first or second listings in the search engines. I am confident that this is going to have a tremendous impact on my business. It is a genuine honor to recommend North Studio for your highest consideration. Julia Cunningham - www.SoulHarp.com 7095 Hollywood Boulevard #1144 Hollywood, CA. 90028 USA